“A game changer: combined fresh renewable energy storage and fresh water production”
TEXEL and Nereid Water team up to solve two of the world’s most important issues of future survival – cost effective stored renewable energy and water desalination – two key issues for the supply of energy and fresh water for drinking & agricultural irrigation. This joint offering will be hugely attractive to markets ranging from resorts and farms to the State of California. The two companies see a massive opportunity both in terms of business and environmental benefits.
Clean fresh water and the storing of intermittent renewable energy are two of the most important and pressing issues of our time. TEXEL and Nereid come together to bring out a unique solution that helps solving both these issues.
TEXEL system is a thermal storage technology, storing energy from solar PV and delivering stored electricity and heat when there is no sun. The Nereid Crystal Gen technology is a desalination and crystallization system which produce fresh water using thermal solar energy, without rejecting brine into the environment. The Nereid plant is powered by the heat supplied by TEXEL, increasing the overall efficiencies of both systems. The technologies make a circular system that allows produce energy, food and fresh water 24/7 365 days year.
The aim of the cooperation is to benefit the environment and jointly exploit from the huge market potential that energy storage and desalination of water has. TEXEL and Nereid sign a first MoU and work on several business cases and to implement their first joint Pilot plants.
“To secure and supply a region like California with a combination of both cost effective energy storage, for distribution of solar and wind, and at the same time fresh water, is not only fantastic news but as well on top of the agenda in the California and other regions effected by extreme weather and draughts” – says Lars Jacobsson, founder and CEO of TEXEL Energy Storage.
“The Nereid and TEXEL technologies combined, makes perpetual sustainability become reality – renewable energy and clean fresh water. We see endless applications for civil protection, commercial, municipalities and in the private sectors” – says Francois Frigola, Chairman of Nereid Water.
TEXEL and Nereid Water are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation and a successful progression of bringing its joint technologies to the market. The two companies are now planning for a demonstration installation in California, US.
TEXEL is developing the next-generation Hybrid / Long duration Energy Storage technology, cost-effective, circular, sustainable and scalable. TEXEL in combination with renewable energy, like solar, is not only cost-competitive to fossil fuels but also a technology that secures energy distribution 24/7/365. TEXEL is developed today to solve the energy problems of tomorrow.
Website: https://www.texeles.com
About Nereid
Nereid is a Swiss company involved in innovative technologies to produce seawater desalination and water treatment systems. The unique crystallisation process reduces the footprint of the system, which allows for the first time affordable solar-powered seawater desalination at an industrial scale. The system is operated by thermal energy such as, for instance, solar thermal, biomass or geothermal energy.
Website: http://www.nereidwater.com